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DeLorean Tire Company – Tiffany Quach
DeLorean Tire Company

DeLorean Tire Company

delorean tires project

In my Writing for Advertising class, my group and I had to decide on what product/brand we wanted to revive, and we chose the DeLorean Motor Company. However, instead of just reviving it as the car brand, we changed the brand to be a tire company. The new brand was still closely related to the original brand so that there would be some familiarity among the target audience. Our tagline was “Because your future is riding on it.”

For this project, we wrote a situation analysis for The DeLorean Tire Company, seven key points – the executive summary, introduction of the company and its history, customer analysis, competition analysis, economic conditions, our creative strategy, and our future plan moving forward. In order to gather appropriate information on the consumers, we conducted a survey online and based our research off our results.

We also came up with new innovative ideas that would help entice customers to buy our product such as micro-treads which have microscopic fibers that keep dirt, snow, mud, and water off the tires and sensors placed in the tires that will notify the driver if the tire is flat and when a foreign object has punctured the tire.