TV Show Marketing Research
In Principles of Marketing, I had to chose a product, service, or business in an industry of my choice. I chose three TV shows as my product, which each had their own target audiences, Jeopardy, Keeping up with the Kardashians, and Rugrats, and compared them based on 13 questions the professor gave.
Some of the questions I had to answer were:
- Describe all the segmentation variables that your three choices used to target their consumers. How are they different from each other? (Geographic, demographic, psychographic, and benefits sought)
- Discuss the Marketing Mix for all three products (4Ps).
- How have each off the three competitors positioned themselves in the marketplace? Have they done a good job? Do target consumers see the company properly (as the company expects)? Design a short survey to find out and analyze the results.
- What issues do these competitors have to deal with? Do a SWOT analysis for your primary choice.
- Discuss at least three different activities that your choice has to deal with in their supply chain management process. Explain how they interact with or handle these issues.
For certain questions, I created charts that detailed the target audiences’ needs and wants. I utilized resources like Quantcast and MRI to find demographic information. I also did additional internet research to find answers to questions about the work that goes into TV productions. My project was extensive and thorough, answering each question as though I were a marketing manager.